Course Syllabus
Leaderboard: COMPLETED & Approved 4-year plans
Attended a Schedule reveal and saw their Freshman Schedule!
Haylee Thomas
Hunter Brewster
Emmerson Smith
Meredith Colpaert
Yasmin Nail
Addelynn Hinton
Yuvia Salinas
Nia Litwiller
JaLynn Guereca
Oscar Vasquez
Cassidy Gibson
Grace Barkley
Ladan Lehman
Graham Subler
Zane Wiley
Conner Hyman
Hayden Brown
Chloe Summersett
Elysia Gonsowski
Raven Ford
Will Mawhorr
Ayla Loshe
Gracy Bixler
Isaac Dee
Bryan Roll
Hope Bergman
Sam Weigel
Olivia Smith
Gabrielle Gilson
Zachary Schwartz
Julissa Jiminez
Mark McKinley
Olivia Nevarrez
Alexis McKibben
Adyson Toland
Macy Pries
Caylie Smuts
Phoenix Boxell
Zayley Bombolowiccz
Andrew Culy
Ashlyn Everett
Clayton Trausch
Ashton Miller
Averie Mere
Audra Fox
Caleb Hirschfeld
Nadia Adams
Danielle Tinkham
Mason West
Zach Baumgartner
Zander Baumgartner
Burton LeFever
Perry Hilty
Kyle Guthrie
EITHER you are pursuing:
A CTE Pathway: OR Academic Honors Diploma
- Machine Technolgy Pathway
- Fire and Rescue Pathway
- Auto Tech Pathway
- Agriculture Power, Structure, and Technology Systems Pathway
- Animal Systems Pathway
- Computer Science/Programming Pathway
- Entrepreneurship & Marketing
- Business Management Pathway
- Engineering Pathway
- Construction Pathway
- Graphic Imaging Pathway
- Radio and Television Pathway
- Biomedical/Tech Pathway
- Nursing Pathway
- Electronics Pathway
- Criminal Justice Pathway
- Early Childhood Education Pathway
- Education Professions Pathway
- Culinary Arts Pathway
- Human and Social Services Pathway
CTE Pathways-and the courses you'll need
Indiana Diplomas and their Requirements
Indiana Career Explorer (edit your High School Course Plan)
FORMAT: plug in your name/initials and lunch number: sgraber2024 sg24999
(you will need 14 credits and at least ONE intentional course* each year of HS to fill your 4YP)
*a course that helps you accomplish either Academic Honors OR your Pathway
link to: Course Description Guide
Indiana Build Your Future site--Careers in Construction
C3 Resources:
ICE (Indiana Career Explorer) Account
Let's ROCK your last year in Middle School!
When you're HAVING trouble
...(not when you're IN trouble!)
- See Me in person (Office #111)
- email me(
- Text "LOOKUP" to 494949
- Call 800-284-8439
My 3 jobs:
1-Help you with Academics
1-Help you plan ahead for a career someday
1-Help with Personal/Social Struggles
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |